$WW,1$$PURPLE$$TX+CX,"Psalmody Help"$$FG$ * The keyboard can be used as an organ by typing letter keys or clicking the mouse on the keyboard diagram$FG$. You can "record" notes by pressing the red button and typing letters. They will appear on the musical staff. You can edit and save them. * The clipboard can be used to cut and paste. * $GREEN$Psalmody$FG$ uses $LK,"HolyC",A="FI:::/Doc/HolyC.TXT"$ files as it's fmt! See $LK,"::/Apps/Psalmody/Examples/personal.CPP"$. It does not fully parse them when loading back in, so changes made outside $GREEN$Psalmody$FG$ can be lost. * The first line of the $LK,"HolyC",A="FI:::/Doc/HolyC.TXT"$ song files is a comment with a category recognized by $LK,"JukeBox",A="FF:::/Apps/Psalmody/JukeBox.CPP,JukeBox"$(). The categories are $GREEN$"no nothing"$FG$, $GREEN$"has words"$FG$, $GREEN$"has graphics"$FG$, or $GREEN$"special"$FG$. The third character in the song comment is a digit rating number, shown in $LK,"JukeBox",A="FF:::/Apps/Psalmody/JukeBox.CPP,JukeBox"$(). You can set the song rating in $LK,"JukeBox",A="FF:::/Apps/Psalmody/JukeBox.CPP,JukeBox"$() by pressing $GREEN$0$FG$-$GREEN$9$FG$. You can press $GREEN$$FG$ to delete songs. * You can take the $LK,"Play",A="MN:Play"$() statements out of a song file and place them in your programs. You can also add a song to a document with $GREEN$$FG$, but you should do it after pressing $GREEN$$FG$ because the clipboard-insert in $GREEN$$FG$ is screwy. See this $SO,"",A="2qG3ECB2eGG3qCeFDsBGBG2qG3ECB2eGG3qCeFDsBGBGqEeEFqEB2eG3FetCAGqFCEeEFqEB2eG3FetCAGqFC"$ after pressing $GREEN$$FG$, now. * You can call $LK,"JukeBox",A="FF:::/Apps/Psalmody/JukeBox.CPP,JukeBox"$("HOME/Psalmody"); to play your songs. * To create a $GREEN$.SND$FG$ file which can be exported and played under Windows, set the $GREEN$Bool$FG$ $LK,"snd.record",A="MN:CSndGlbls"$ to $GREEN$TRUE$FG$, play music, and set it to $GREEN$FALSE$FG$. Then, call $LK,"SndFileCreate",A="MN:SndFileCreate"$(). You might wish to make a $GREEN$$FG$ to toggle this system level recording feat. See $LK,"Snd",A="MN:Snd"$(). Add this code to your $LK,"HOME/Adam3cKeyPlugIns.CPP"$ file. $PURPLE$U0 CtrlAltR(I64) { snd.record=!snd.record; } SetCtrlAltLetCB('R',&CtrlAltR,"Toggle snd.record");$FG$ * When calling $LK,"SndFileCreate",A="MN:SndFileCreate"$() you can set a waveform. The PC speaker is $LK,"WF_SQUARE",A="MN:WF_SQUARE"$. You can select reverb and averaging, also.