$WW,1$$FG,5$$TX+CX,"Command Line Overview"$$FG$ The cmd line feeds into the $LK,"HolyC",A="FI:::/Doc/HolyC.TXT"$ compiler as you type. A statement outside a function executes immediately. Remember to add a semicolon.$WW,1$ Look-up the function headers with $FG,2$WordStat$FG$ by hitting $FG,2$$FG$ after typing the first few letters. $LK,"Click Here",A="MN:Dir"$ to see the directory cmd header. It accepts default args from C++. >$FG,2$Dir("*.TXT.Z");$FG$ If you don't have args, you don't need parenthesis. >$FG,2$Dir;$FG$ Directories are referenced with $FG,2$/$FG$ not $FG,2$\$FG$. There is a current directory, but not a path. To run a program, you typically $FG,2$#include $FG$it. There are several shortcuts for $FG,2$#include$FG$ing files. Right-click or hit $FG,2$$FG$ on a directory listing or press $FG,2$$FG$ while editing. >$FG,2$Ed("NewFile.CPP.Z");$FG$ Invokes the editor. See $LK,"Doc Link Type",A="MN:LK_FILE"$. Most filenames end in $FG,2$.Z$FG$ because they are stored compressed. Drives are specified with a letter. The boot drive is specified with a '$FG,2$:$FG$'. >$FG,2$Drv('B');$FG$ B drive The drive can be specified in a $LK,"Cd",A="MN:Cd"$() command as in: >$FG,2$Cd("B:/Temp");$FG$ B drive >$FG,2$Cd("::/Demo");$FG$ Boot drive >$FG,2$Cd("HOME/Psalmody");$FG$ HOME is your $LK,"acct dir",A="FF:::/Doc/GuideLines.TXT,ACCT FILES"$. If a file is not found, $FG,2$.Z$FG$ is added or removed and a search is done, again. If a file is still not found, all parent directories are searched. You can place macros in your $LK,"PersonalMenu",A="FI:HOME/PersonalMenu.TXT"$ for $LK,"Cd",A="MN:Cd"$() commands. $FG,2$$FG$ to access your menu. >$FG,2$Grep("needle","/Demo/*.CPP.Z;*.TXT.Z;");$FG$ See $LK,"File Utils",A="FI:::/Doc/FileUtils.TXT"$. $LK,"Cmd Line Routines",A="HI:Cmd Line (Typically)"$ $MA-X+PU,"Take Tour",LM="SpawnUser(\"Cd(\\\"::/Misc/Tour\\\");;AutoFile(\\\"Tour\\\");\n\");"$