$WW,1$A $LK,"DolDoc",A="FI:::/Doc/DolDocOverview.TXT"$ in memory is a $LK,"Circular Queue",A="HI:Data Types/Circular Queue"$ of cmds and graphics. See $LK,"CDocEntry",A="MN:CDocEntry"$ for the entry structure. See $LK,"TipOfDay",A="MN:TipOfDay"$() for a nice example. $LK,"DolDoc",A="FI:::/Doc/DolDocOverview.TXT"$'s are used for the editor, viewer, browser, and cmd line. There is one $LK,"CDoc",A="MN:CDoc"$ for the task's border: $FG,2$Fs->border_doc$FG$. There is a pair for the task's client area: $FG,2$Fs->put_doc$FG$ and $FG,2$Fs->display_doc$FG$. You can, optionally, do double buffering, otherwise $FG,2$Fs->put_doc$FG$ is the same as $FG,2$Fs->display_doc$FG$. See $LK,"::/Demo/Spy.CPP"$.