$WW,1$$FG,5$$TX+CX,"Linux TSZ Utility"$$FG$ $FG,2$TSZ [-ascii] filename$FG$ Will uncompress a single file from within Linux. The $FG,2$-ascii$FG$ flag will convert the irregular TempleOS ASCII 5 and ASCII 31 characters to spaces. (ASCII 5 is used to mark the cursor pos and ASCII 31 is used for shifted space characters and will cause problems unless you convert them.) $FG,5$$TX+CX,"Windows TSZ Utility"$$FG$ $FG,2$TSZ$FG$ will uncompress TempleOS files you have gotten to Windows. There are two ways to get files from TempleOS to Windows -- via CD-ROM or via a $FG,2$FAT32$FG$ partition. $FG,2$TSZ [-ascii] dirname$FG$: will uncompress all TempleOS files with names ending in "$FG,2$.Z$FG$" in a Windows directory and in all subdirectories. The $FG,2$-ascii$FG$ flag used in combination will convert the irregular TempleOS ASCII 5 and ASCII 31 characters to spaces. (ASCII 5 is used to mark the cursor pos and ASCII 31 is used for shifted space characters and will cause problems unless you convert them.) Note: If you pick names not ending in "$FG,2$.Z$FG$", they will not need to be uncompressed. You can $LK,"Move",A="MN:Move"$() or $LK,"Copy",A="MN:Copy"$() them to a name not ending in "$FG,2$.Z$FG$" and they will be stored uncompressed. $FG,8$ * "Windows" is a trademark of MicroSoft Corp. * "Linux" is probably a trademark owned by Linus Torvalds. $FG$